Biotechnology, Medicine, Therapy
Complex tissues and organs are created in new 3D bioprinters!
From Nature and Superheroes to the Lab: Tufts University Creates Instant Spinnable Adhesive Fibers
From Food Poisoning to Cancer Fighter: Salmonella Builds Long-Lasting Antitumor Immunity
New Variation of Cancer Immunotherapy May Hold the Secret to Destroying Cancer Cells
Biotechnology, Medicine, Microbes
From Pathogens to Protectors: Bacteria’s role in Fighting Cancer
Biotechnology, Medicine, Therapy
A New Era in Heart Health: Nanoparticles and Neutrophils Unite for Faster Heart Attack Healing
New Discoveries Shed Light on the Mysteries of Paternal Mitochondrial DNA
Agriculture, Biotechnology, Genomics, Techniques
Rice, rice baby: How Genetically Modified Rice could help fight food insecurity
Biotechnology, Medicine, Therapy